‘Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.’ Proverbs 22:6
Our Philosophy
The educational philosophy of Hosanna Christian School is based on a God-centered view of truth as presented in the Bible. According to the Bible, God created and sustains all things through His Son, Jesus Christ. Furthermore, all life is dynamically related to God with the purpose of glorifying Him. We believe humans were made in God’s image, with the unique capacity to know and respond to Him personally and voluntarily.
According to scripture, we are all born into a fallen world of sin and are sinners, separated from God. But there is hope! God sent His Son, Jesus, to redeem us through his life sacrifice on the cross. In doing so, God gave humans the free gift of redemption and the ability to accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and Lord. By accepting this free gift, we can have a personal relationship with God and are able to do God’s will, which is the ultimate purpose of this life and get to spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
The authority for such an education comes both from God’s command that children be taught to love God and place Him first in their lives, and from the fact that parents are responsible for the total education and training of their children. At the parents’ request, Hosanna Christian school becomes a partner in providing this education.

HCS History
Hosanna Christian School began in 1994, with two young mothers who wanted to provide a faith-based education for their own children. What began with three young students in the classroom of a church, quickly grew into a small school serving several families with pre-k students as a ministry of First Evangelical Church in Vancouver, Washington.
Over the next 27 years, Hosanna grew to gain the support of families across the city and Clark County to become one of the staple private schools in the Southwest Washington area.
Today, maintaining the original family focus and offering a truly Christ-centered education, God has blessed Hosanna with the expansion of an elementary school, middle school, and high school. Students of all ages experience unique, hands on learning activities combined with a Biblical curriculum and the opportunity to seek academic excellence.
Academic Development Objectives
To promote learning through an applicable, Biblical point of view.
To teach and encourage positive and healthy study habits.
To help students develop creative and critical thinking skills.
To encourage an attitude of social and cultural awareness and a respect of others, regardless of beliefs or differences.
To teach students how to study and appreciate God’s Word.
To understand our role as humans in God’s world and to respect, preserve, and use it as responsible citizens.
Academic Objectives in Partnering with Families:
To partner with families to encourage the growth and success of each child academically, physically, and spiritually.
To help the parents understand the mission and vision of Hosanna and how it relates to their student.
To support the whole family in the forward growth of their walks with Christ and to help develop and maintain Christ-centered homes.
To support parents in understanding the changing academic and social culture and its effects on the life of their student.
Social & Emotional Development Objectives
To promote each student’s healthy understanding and acceptance of themselves as a unique individual, created in the image of God.
To teach students to treat everyone with love and respect, regardless of beliefs or differences.
To produce respectful, creative, and contributing members of society with an understanding of how their actions affect others.
To promote a Christ-like attitude toward all relationships and the skills needed to treat others with love and respect.
To promote healthy physical and mental habits.
Spiritual & Moral Growth Objectives
To teach the Bible as God’s inspired Word and to develop attitudes of love and respect toward it.
To give each student the opportunity to accept Christ as Savior and Lord.
To help develop a desire to know and obey the will of God as revealed in the Scriptures.
To help and encourage students to discover their unique calling as a follower of Christ and to share the story of the Gospel and the free gift of God with the world.
To help each student develop their own personal relationship with God and habits to continue their relationship in our ever-changing world.